A most versatile, dinner saver combination of lentils and zucchini
Fagioli in bruschetta- quick summer Tuscan bean spread
Bruschetta cannellini e cavolo nero
Roasted eggplants Quinoa Salad
Zucchine saltate- Sautéd Zucchini
Polpette di lenticchie- lentil patties
Pomodori Sfiziosi- Tasty Tomatoes
Carote brille- Drunk carrots
Spring salad with asparagus and pistachios
Insalata di finocchi e arance rosse- Sicilian salad
This is one of my favourite early spring salads and a good way to say farewell to two great winter products- fennel and blood oranges.
Although this recipe originated in Sicily, my family has adopted it long ago with great pleasure- it's a perfect blend of sweet and salty flavours, with a "kick" of licorice taste provided by the fennel..all tied together but a generous amount of Extra Virgin!