Gaia Massai September 23, 2019 Family Recipe, Kid friendly, Olive Oil, Primo Piatto, Traditional Tuscan, Vegetarian Zuppa ceci e zucca- squash and chickpea soup Gaia Massai September 23, 2019 Family Recipe, Kid friendly, Olive Oil, Primo Piatto, Traditional Tuscan, Vegetarian Earthy autumn soup using some of my favorite herbs and berries- bay leaves and juniper berries. Rich in protein, only 150 cal/serving- buonissima!
Gaia Massai May 31, 2019 Family Recipe, Kid friendly, Contorno, Olive Oil, Vegetarian Polpette di lenticchie- lentil patties Gaia Massai May 31, 2019 Family Recipe, Kid friendly, Contorno, Olive Oil, Vegetarian Super simple finger food, kids approved snack and a good source of protein and iron
Gaia Massai August 29, 2017 Family Recipe, Kid friendly, Primo Piatto, Olive Oil, Vegetarian Pasta all'isolana- Pasta "island style" Gaia Massai August 29, 2017 Family Recipe, Kid friendly, Primo Piatto, Olive Oil, Vegetarian A summer favorite which I often cook when at the seaside- an easy recipe filled with Mediterranean flavors which can be enjoyed hot or cold.
Gaia Massai May 24, 2017 Family Recipe, Olive Oil, Piatto Unico, Vegetarian, Contorno Spring salad with asparagus and pistachios Gaia Massai May 24, 2017 Family Recipe, Olive Oil, Piatto Unico, Vegetarian, Contorno A flavorful salad that can be used as a side dish or a piatto unico
Gaia Massai March 10, 2017 Kid friendly, Primo Piatto, Olive Oil, Vegetarian, Family Recipe Pasta with leeks, zucchini and toasted pine nuts Gaia Massai March 10, 2017 Kid friendly, Primo Piatto, Olive Oil, Vegetarian, Family Recipe Here is my homage to the approaching spring- the zucchini/pine nuts combination brings back memories of life on the farm with its fresh taste.
Gaia Massai April 4, 2016 Baking with Olive Oil, Olive Oil, Family Recipe Baking with Olive Oil Gaia Massai April 4, 2016 Baking with Olive Oil, Olive Oil, Family Recipe You might think Extra Virgin is only for cooking savory dishes but in Tuscany we use it also for baking in many traditional recipes.