Torta di ricotta e cioccolato

This is a very simple, 4 ingredients cheesecake that has been a family favorite as far as I can remember. Only tricky part is to get your egg whites whipped until they look like thick snow- a little practice and a good electric whisk will do the trick!

ricotta: 600 gr
eggs: 3
fine granulated sugar: 120 gr
dark chocolate: 100 gr
a bag of vanillin (or a tsp. Of vanilla extract)- optional

Turn on the oven to 380 F degrees and line a 24 cm diameter baking dish with parchment paper.
Break the chocolate into small pieces and keep aside.
Work together ricotta with vanilla and a tablespoon of sugar.

Work extensively the egg yolks with the remaining sugar with an electric whisk: do not stop until you see them white, frothy and well puffed up.

Beat the egg whites until stiff- we say whipped as thick snow (note that this cake has no yeast, so if your snow looks like it’s melting in the sun...keep beating!).

It should look like this

Add the ricotta to the yolks and sugar mix, stirring as little as possible.

When the mixture is smooth, pour the whipped egg whites and mix with large and slow movements, from the edge to the centre of the bowl: you have to obtain a light and very fluffy mixture.

Finally, drop in the chocolate into small pieces, but mix as little as possible so it doesn’t lose fluffiness.

Place into the baking dish and bake for 45 minutes, or until you see the cake of a beautiful colour the yellow gold. Leave it in the oven for another five minutes, then open the door and leave it there a little: in this way it will subside slowly, without sinking suddenly due to the sudden change in temperature ...

Try not eat it right away: place it in the fridge for at least an hour.

This cheesecake is far better the next day! Serve it with raspberries or strawberries.