Green Tomato Frittata - Frittata di Pomodori Verdi

A certain sign of Autumn is that tomatoes stop ripening to their red, juicy perfection. It’s the time for the green tomatoes to shine! I always make this simple frittata to welcome cooler days and make use of the unripe tomatoes in the garden.

Ingredients for 3- 4 people

  • 4 large eggs

  • 3 medium green tomatoes sliced 1 cm thick

  • flour- enough to lightly flour tomatoes

  • EVOO, salt and pepper to taste

Lightly flour the sliced tomatoes

Fry them in abundant EVOO (slices should be half submerged) at medium heat, covered, until soft

Discard the excess oil (you can save it for one more frying extravaganza)

Return to medium heat and pour in the beaten and salted eggs. Lift the tomatoes carefully with a fork to get the egg underneath and cook a few minutes until ready.

Enjoy while hot with rustic bread and, why not, with a glass of Prosecco!